Kamali was found in 2021 by two sisters, Delara & Shadi, with the philosophy of making fashion enhancing and accessible. What started with an idea, has morphed into reality. They felt like the market wasn’t offering an accessible but luxury heel brand.
Kamali offers one-of-a-kind pieces which are wearable at every moment of the day.
Our footwear is designed with our own personal vision on fashion and inspired by bright colors, feminine aesthetics, and art.
Kamali is not just a footwear brand, it’s a solution for women to make them feel more confident to level up on a day-to-day basis to achieve their goals, because confidence is powerful. Kamali inspires positive transformations into every woman as it enhances your confidence which will result in a better performance. As we are sisters, we are big on uplifting each other and we want Kamali to grow a beautiful community full of empowered women.
Kamali wants women to live large